In an effort to locate any personal items for the family of the victims of the Surfide building, AEAK Emergency personnel have been scouring the ruins of Champlain Towers South for months.

Deliver Quality Product and Services
AEAK Construction is a privately-held construction firm that provides general building, bridge, road, civil works, pipeline, and specialty construction services.
Technical and management experience across various industries.
In-depth knowledge of proven strategies for business success and growth.
Operating responsibly
Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource efficient.
“No one gets hurt”
This serves as our guiding principle and commitment in all that we do every day. To accomplish this, we keep improving our safety procedures, instruction, and culture.
Giving back
We contribute to the communities where we live and work in a variety of ways, from financial support to giving our time, both as a company and as individuals.